Stump Removal Services
Do You Need Stump Removal Service?
If you’ve had a tree removed or a tree on your property had to be cut down when it became old or diseased, you’re probably left with an ugly stump in your yard. This is when stump removal services may be called for. A stump isn’t just an eyesore. It can cause problems like insects or disease, as well as affecting your future gardening decisions. Here is what you need to know about stumps and stump removal.

Why Remove a Stump?
A stump isn't going to fall over or grow into power lines like the tree that you had removed, so why bother doing anything about it? There are a few important reasons why you may decide that stump removal is the best choice for you.
- Prevent disease and insects. As a stump rots, it will attract all kinds of insects and encourage the growth of disease. Harmful fungi like Heterobasidion can be reduced by removing the stump. Root disease spread can be stopped by stump removal. Waiting to remove the stump can cause problems. Suddenly deprived of their environment, insects may infest your home or any trees showing injury or weakness. Therefore, it is best to remove the stump before rot begins.
- Remove an obstacle. An unwanted stump is an obstacle in a number of ways. It is a tripping hazard and can be hit by lawnmowers and weed whackers. Furthermore, a stump will affect the way you plan your lawn and garden as you try to hide it or plant around it.
- Prevent regrowth. Many trees are able to regrow from trunks or major roots. Removing the stump is the best way to make sure that this doesn't happen in your yard. While most trees won’t regrow after grinding, some do. Removal is the best way to thoroughly prevent regrowth, especially in the case of very prune-hardy trees.
- Get rid of an eyesore. Stumps aren’t pretty, and they just get uglier as time goes by. As a stump rots, it becomes even more unattractive as it is covered by insects and grows fungus and mold. You put effort into your garden and the appearance of your home, so why allow a stump to detract from the landscaping?
What is Stump Removal?
Stump removal services rip the stump from the ground using heavy machinery. It would be extremely dangerous for a novice to attempt to use this machinery. Unlike stump grinding tools, which can be rented, you are unlikely to be able to rent what you need for stump removal.
A lot of experience is required to decide the best way to connect machinery to the stump and apply pressure so that no people, buildings, or other plants or trees in the area are injured. So much power is needed to pull a stump from the ground that other cables are often needed to make sure the stump doesn't do damage as it finally pops free.
Stump Removal Service or Grinding?
Stump removal and grinding are both good options for getting rid of an unsightly stump in your yard. Both have advantages and disadvantages. Here are some things to consider.
Stump Removal
Stump Grinding
The stump is totally gone, including many major roots
May be more costly than stump grinding, due to the need for specialized machinery and experience
May be more affordable than stump removal
Stump is still largely in the ground, including major roots
The space where the stump was can easily be planted with a new tree or grassed over is sod
Leaves a hole in the ground which is unsightly if not filled
Stump is much less visible and won't cause a tripping hazard
Difficult to plant over or plant new trees nearby
There is almost not chance of the tree regrowing from the stump or roots or rotting and attracting bugs and disease
Requires professional equipment and knowledge
Equipment can be rented and used by knowledgeable amateurs, although it does have risks
Equipment is dangerous and expensive to use yourself
Should You DIY Stump Removal?
Compared to the effort and expertise required to remove a tree, getting rid of the stump may seem like an easy enough prospects. Can you simply remove a stump yourself, or do you need to hire professionals for stump removal service? Stump removal isn’t as straightforward as you may initially think. Here are a few options for do-it-yourself stump removal, as well as concerns and considerations for each.
Potassium Nitrate
Potassium nitrate is available at most garden centers. It comes in a powdered formula. The idea is to drill holes into the trunk of the tree, pour the granules of potassium nitrate into the holes, and fill the holes with water. After several months, the stump will become spongy and rotten. At this point, it can be broken up with an ax and removed.
It is essential to keep kids, pets, and livestock away during this process. It may be harmful for wildlife in your garden and have lasting consequences on the chemistry of the surrounding soil and plants. As the stump rots, it likely will attract insects and disease which may spread to surrounding trees or even to your home, deck, patio, or roof.
Burning a tree stump in the ground might seem like an easy and cost-effective way to eliminate it, but it comes with significant risks and limitations. While burning is sometimes considered a DIY stump removal method, it requires caution, adherence to local laws, and proper safety measures.
How to Burn a Tree Stump
Stumps can be burnt as soon as they are dry enough. Sometimes potassium nitrate is used to begin the weakening of the trunk and then the job is finished with burning. Kerosene or fuel oil is poured into the holes made by a drill. You should wait until the liquid completely penetrates the wood, which could take several weeks.
If it rains during this period, the lighter fluid may be washed away. Once the stump is thoroughly soaked with lighter fluid, you can light it. The safest way to light it is by dropping a match, as there is sometimes an initial burst of flame.
The stump will burn for days or even weeks. It needs fluid or charcoal added regularly to keep the fire burning, especially if the wood is old or hard. It is wise to surround the area with chicken wire or other fencing in order to keep animals or people from wandering into the fire, since it may not be obvious that it is hot.
Needless to say, it is dangerous to have a fire burning for weeks at a time, especially if it is anywhere near your home or anything else that could be damaged. If you are going to try something like this, you must supervise the fire throughout the time that it is burning.
Is Burning a Stump Legal in Lake Bluff, IL?
In many areas, including Lake Bluff, there are strict regulations regarding open burning. Permits are often required, and specific safety measures must be in place. Additionally, local environmental laws may prohibit burning tree stumps due to concerns about air quality and fire hazards.
Challenges of Burning a Tree Stump
- Incomplete Removal: Burning rarely eliminates the entire stump, especially deep roots that remain underground.
- Safety Risks: Open flames pose risks to nearby structures, vegetation, and even underground utilities.
- Time-Consuming: Burning a tree stump can take days or even weeks to fully reduce it to ash.
- Environmental Impact: Smoke and ash from burning can harm air quality and surrounding plants.
The Professional Approach to Stump Removal
At Kinnucan Tree Experts & Landscape Company, we recommend professional stump grinding or removal over burning. Our certified arborists use advanced equipment to ensure complete and safe stump removal, eliminating risks associated with burning.
Why Choose Professional Stump Removal Over Burning?
- Efficiency: Professionals ensure the stump is fully removed or ground below ground level.
- Safety: No risk of uncontrolled fires or damage to nearby property.
- Environmental Responsibility: No harmful smoke or toxins released into the air.
- Aesthetic Results: The area can be replanted, sodded, or landscaped immediately after removal.
Better to Hire a Professional
As you can see, removing a stump yourself has significant challenges and risks. The chances of spreading disease, insects, or even fire to your home or other plants in your garden are quite high. Therefore, it is best to hire a professional for stump removal services.

What To Do With the Space?
It can be overwhelming to suddenly be faced with a very large hole in your yard left by a large tree trunk and its root system. You may be surprised by just how much tree is ripped out during professional tree removal services. Don't be overwhelmed or dismayed by the hole in your yard. There are all kinds of great things you can do with the space left by an unwanted tree trunk.
Plant a Tree
Perhaps the most obvious thing to do with the space left by a tree trunk is to plant a new tree. Be sure to fill in plenty of soil around what remains of the old tree’s roots and use a root ball significantly smaller than the hole.
When done properly, the roots that remain of the old trunk will nourish the new tree as it grows. Be sure to choose a tree carefully. If the old trunk was very near the house or power line, choose a shrub or dwarf tree that won't cause the same problems as the old one.
Put in Sod
If you want your lawn to grow where the tree used to be, putting sod down is a good option. You can fill the hole with hay or soil and then pour a thick layer of planting soil over it before laying sod. Before you know it, you won’t even know that a hole had been there.
Put in a Garden Feature
If you’ve always wanted a feature like a pond, fountain, or other attractive garden decoration, now is a good time. The hole left by the tree trunk can be a good foundation for a concrete base for a sturdy feature, or it can serve as the foundation for a pond.
Stump Removal Services
Kinnucan Tree Experts & Landscape Company can take care of your stump removal services needs. Whether you choose to have a stump removed or ground, Kinnucan provides service that is safe, professional, and thorough. It is dangerous to remove a stump yourself and there are lots of good reasons not to leave it in your yard. Choose a company that will do quality work for a reasonable price.