Snow Removal Service
Choose the Best Snow Removal Service for Your Home or Business
Removing snow is a part of life for residents throughout Illinois. However, getting rid of all that snow can be a serious problem. For that reason, you may be seeking out snow removal services for your home or business. Here's what you need to know about deciding whether you need help removing snow and choosing quality snow removal services.
How to Take Care of Your Driveway
Some snow removal is bound to be necessary. However, by taking care of your driveway properly, you can reduce the amount of removal that is necessary. Here are a few tips to help you keep snow from accumulating.

1. Use De-Icer
De-icing products keep ice from building up. Used regularly, they can stop snow and ice from accumulating, so you may not even need to remove snow if your area does not have heavy snowfall. When you only get a few inches at a time on average, even if you get it fairly consistently, de-icer works great.
2. Consider a Heated Driveway
A heated driveway may seem like overkill, but for some people, the price will be well worth not having to worry about snow removal throughout most of the winter. If you're thinking of re-doing your driveway anyways, installing a heated driveway may not be a bad idea.
3. Play Your Driveway and Walks Carefully
A driveway that gently winds through your property, bordered by hedges and trees on either side, may look charming, especially in the summer. However, it means a lot more ground to cover when it comes to removing snow.
It's a good idea to get an estimate for snow removal by foot before you put in a driveway, so you know how the length and footage of your driveway will affect how much it costs for you to remove snow.
This also goes for any footpaths that are essential for access to your house and garage. If you want decorative pathways, it's best to have different paths that aren't essential for access that you can allow to snow and ice over in the winter.
Do You Need Snow Removal Service?
If your driveway, paths, or parking lots accumulate large amounts of snow and ice, it is probably best to consider snow removal services. Shoveling snow yourself or using a blower or other tool can be backbreaking and dangerous work.
In fact, research has found that shoveling snow has the potential risk of being a trigger for heart attacks. If you get too much snow to shovel, you'll be left scrambling to try to find snow removal services during a time when everyone else is too.
It is best to hire professional services at the beginning of the season rather than try to handle snow removal yourself.
Snow Removal Service Done Right
You may have lots of experience with snow removal, but that doesn't mean that you have seen it done properly. Many people are very cavalier about snow removal. Sometimes even professionals aren't thoughtful about how they remove snow.
You may be cautious of snow removal because of past negative experiences. Here are some things that a quality snow removal service should be able to do for you:
Remove Snow Without Piling in Up Somewhere Inappropriate
Too often, snow removal companies aren't very discerning about where they put the snow. This is especially true if your driveway borders a lawn or other area that doesn't need to be cleared.
However, piling snow up may have unforeseen consequences. Extra snow can be bad for lawns or flowerbeds. Pushing snow into the streets means that when a municipal snowplow comes through, the snow may block your neighbor's driveway. Be sure that you talk to your snow removal service about where they'll put the snow and make sure it's not somewhere that will cause problems.
There Doesn't Have to be Collateral Damage
Many people have bad experiences with snow removal services running over something they shouldn't, knocking over decorations, or otherwise causing chaos. However, this should not be the case.
You should be able to talk to your snow removal company about exactly where and how they will operate. If there are flower beds or other places you don't want the plow to go that are not clearly visible under heavy snow cover, it is best to use reflective and brightly colored markers so that the area is clearly defined. Make sure you check exactly where the markers are so that you're confident there won't be damage to your property.
Provides Complete Services
Look for snow removal services that can take care of your driveways and walks around your house or business as well as commercial parking lots if necessary. Look for companies that also extend their services to de-icing. That way, you won't need removal services unless significant inches of snow pile up.

Why is Kinnucan the Best Snow Removal Service?
We are a Large Scale Operation
Choosing the nice fellow down the block to rake your leaves or mow a small patch of lawn may be fine, but it's best to choose a company that operates on a larger scale when it comes to snow management. Specialized equipment is critical to remove snow effectively without having any damaging effects on your property.
A large-scale operation, like we are, has the specialized equipment that gets the job done right. Compare our equipment to our competitors in the area, and you'll find that we have more sophisticated equipment that is both more up-to-date and well-maintained than our competitors. Our equipment is used frequently and kept in excellent working order throughout the season.
Years of Experience
The know-how to use equipment safely and effectively is as important as having the right equipment. Snow and ice have a wide variety of shapes and behaviors, each of which affects the best way to remove it.
Years of experience removing snow and ice from your area means we are more likely to make good decisions. When choosing a large-scale operation, be careful not to choose a company with subcontractors. You want everybody who works on your property to be a licensed professional employed by the company that you choose.
Kinnucan has been removing snow for 40 years, and we don't use subcontractors.
Licensed & Insurance
The snow removal contractor that you pick should be properly licensed and have the right insurance to get the job done. They must have liability insurance in case any damage to your property occurs.
Liability insurance for snow plowing isn't cheap. This is one more reason that a large-scale operation is more likely to safely do the job and be insured if anything goes wrong.
Experienced in Blizzards
If you're caught in an ongoing snowstorm but need to get out, you want a company that you can trust to clear the snow safely. Some companies may do fine work under calm conditions when the storm is over.
However, if a company won't come out while the snow is still coming down, you could be stuck for days or even weeks. The last thing you need is for a company to fail you when you need it most: during a snowstorm.
We plowed through the severe blizzards in Illinois in 1966, 1976, and 2010. For decades, we've been keeping our clients' driveways clear and letting them get on with their lives despite the weather. We can do the same for you. No matter the weather, we will keep your space clear and safe.
Best for Residential Snow Removal Services
When you're choosing a company to take care of snow and ice around your home, you want a company that has an appreciation for the landscape that you work so hard to maintain. We are dedicated to plant and tree healthcare.
We have decades of experience caring for lawns and landscapes, so we know just what is buried beneath all of that snow and how important it is to you. That means that we go the extra mile to make sure that we're not piling excess snow somewhere that it could do damage. Our expert snow plow handlers are skilled at not hurting plants, trees, or landscape decorations they get rid of the snow and ice effectively.
Ideal for Commercial Snow Removal Services
Having snow removed from around your business isn't just about aesthetics. Enabling people to access your business is essential if you are going to make an income.
More importantly, keeping your parking lot safe is essential for your customers and your business. As many as 25% of falls related to snow and ice happen in parking lots. It is extremely important that you are open for business and your parking lots are safe to traverse, especially when there is a snowstorm.
We have extensive experience working in commercial districts around the North Shore. When there is a serious snowstorm, we will be there to clear the way for your business.
Choose Kinnucan for Snow Removal Service
Shoveling your own snow isn't a practical option for most people who experience significant snowfall through the winter. In fact, it can be very dangerous.
Therefore, many people choose professional snow removal services for their home or business. We have been clearing the way for residents throughout the North Shore for over 40 years. We have the experience, equipment, and dedication to help you get through this winter smoothly. Contact us today to set up snow removal services for the upcoming winter.