Local News
Kinnucan removing a Cottonwood in Winnetka that had been struck by lightning

Kinnucan Company to Sponsor Intern

Kinnucan will be participating this summer as one of the sponsors for the Lake Forest Open Lands’ Restoration Ecology Intern Program in Lake Forest, Illinois. This program embodies the organization’s commitment to training the next generation of conservation leaders. Since 1998 this program has a proven record of providing college students with an educational hands-on restoration and land stewardship experience to supplement their school training. Many intern graduates go on to pursue a career in conservation environmental studies.
Kinnucan Appoints General Manager, T.J. Blockhus

T.J. Blockhus was recently promoted to General Manager of Operations at Kinnucan. In his new role he will oversee the Tree, Plant Health Care, Landscape Construction/Maintenance, Snow Removal, Holiday Décor, and Pest Control Divisions.
T.J. began with Kinnucan in 2001 as one of our Plant Health Care Technicians. Over the years he has worn many hats: Plant Health Care Manager, Tree Department Sales, and Snow and Ice Management Manager. In addition, he is a certified arborist. T.J. graduated from Hawkeye College in Iowa with a degree in Horticulture. T.J. lives in Wauconda with his wife and 2 small children. When he gets a chance, he enjoys golf, boating, volleyball, as well as volunteering at PADS.
Lake Forest – Lake Bluff Rotary Club 2018 Economic Breakfast
January 10, 2018 – Rotary members met to hear an economic update from the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago President Charles L. Evans. Kinnucan supported this well attended yearly event as a Bronze Sponsor. LF-LB Rotary Club is dedicated to philanthropy in our community and the world. Made up of civic, business, and professional leaders dedicated to service, the LF-LB chapter has provided over $1 million to improving the lives of others.

Fire Service Personnel Trained in Tree Rescue, by Norm Hall
Village of Lake Bluff Lighting Ceremony

Kinnucan Tree Experts Landscape Company once again donated the lighting of the Gazebo on December 3, 2016. In addition, Kinnucan was responsible for hanging 30 of these beautiful 4-foot wide green and blue LED spheres. Each sphere holds approximately 1,000 lights! (credit for building the spheres goes to Mr. George Russell)
Kinnucan Stays Ahead of West Nile Virus

Kinnucan recently mailed 25,000 postcards out to neighboring suburbs for their mosquito and tick control programs. These programs are completely safe for children and pets, and are immediately effective. In response to a recent human case of West Nile confirmed in Lake County, Illinois, Kinnucan is trying to stay well ahead of the problem by offering the most affordable and effective applications to its current and potential clientele.
Norm Hall Attends Illinois Arborist Association’s 2016 Summer Conference

Norm Hall, Tree Care Operations supervisor, Certified Arborist and Tree Worker, recently returned from the IAA’s 2016 Summer Conference, held June 23rd – June 24th in Monticello, IL. Norm lead a demonstration “Crane Removals and Comparisons.” This demonstration highlighted the benefits of using a truck-mounted crane to assist in removing trees. There was a “stick boom” crane and a “knuckle boom” crane on site to show the advantages and limitations of each unit. Each crane demonstrated removing both branch and log sections of trees. Cranes can be a great value for removing trees in confined spaces, behind residences, resting on structures (storm damage), or to cut larger sections and land the pieces near the chipper. Using a crane for EAB ash removals will save time, labor and back injuries.
Kinnucan Company Holds On Site CPR Training

Kinnucan Company employees gathered last week for CPR training. In order to stay TCIA accredited (Tree Care Industry Association), a difficult-to-obtain accreditation, Kinnucan must require its employees to pass CPR training.
Kinnucan Company Sponsors Lake Bluff History Museum’s Antique Auto Show
Last Saturday, June 25th, The Lake Bluff History Museum held its annual Antique Auto Show in downtown Lake Bluff. Over 150 automobiles dating back as far as 80 years lined the streets for a few hours. The Museum’s historic 1931 Lake Bluff Ice Truck was among the many beautiful collectible autos. Kinnucan Company was happy to be a part of this annual community event.